Blurb... Jasmine is a woman with a history of bad relationships. After receiving and invitation to the exclusive Black Lily Club, she decides to give something new a try before swearing off men all together. Will the things she experiences and the man she meets be enough to bring happiness into her relationships? Marcus is a 200-year-old vampire searching for his soul mate. He is the owner and creator of the Black Lily Club, a haven for supernatural beings. Jasmine is the one person on this earth that calls to him like no other. Will his love be enough to save her from fate’s hands? Just when things start looking up for Jasmine and Marcus, hunters come to town. Thrust into a war she didn't know existed, Jasmine has a choice to make. Love or Life? Author Interview... What book made you cry? Blue by Sarah Jayne Carr. To be fair I was given warning, I did not take heed of it. Who would you rather be? A ninja or a pirate? A pirate, I’d sail to distant lands seeking treasures, beaches and exotic lads. Oops lands lol. Maybe both. Do you believe in writer’s block? I do believe whole heartedly in writers block, and sometimes switching to a different book or short story helps get through it. Preferred writing font? Times new roman. How boring right, but it works best for editing and formatting. How do you pick character names? Depending on the story sometimes I research name data bases for meanings that link to the type of character or their background. Other times I just pick something I like or a real persons name, slightly changes who might have something quirks in common with a character. Does Bigfoot exist? Of course I live in Ohio, in bigfoot country. We host bigfoot camp outs at our state parks and warn our children to be weary of the lonely dirt roads at night. How many books have you written AND which is your favorite? I have written to solo books that are published and I have been in a few anthologies. My favorite book so far is Marcus a Black Lily Club Story. I adore vampires with bite. Can you tease us with something about your upcoming WIP? Here are two little snippets of Sam a Black Lily Club Story. The second in the Lily Club Books. It focuses on a different couple in the same club and town as Marcus. “How can you love me, Michael? I'm so broken.” She sniffed and pulled away from me. I reached over and pulled her onto my lap, cradling her head against my shoulder. “I love you because you are strong. You are beautiful. Most of all I love you because you are you.” I stroked along her back trying to soothe her weary soul. “I love you because the goddess gave me you. My very own glowing goddess of the night. Your soul calls to me like no other on this earth. You are perfection to me.” Roses, roses, all around, nothing else for Samantha to smell, the sing song rhyme played over and over in my head. The dank stench of must and mildew filled my soul. The drip drip of the water along the crevice of the crumbling sandstone had become my only source of time. Each drip was one minute from the next. I had lost track of the minutes that had trickled by. The roses lay strewn about my cell. No food or water. Nothing but silver bars and chains. What’s your favorite scene in your latest novel? “Child she is not yours to save, for her to be yours completely utterly without misgivings, or skepticism in your love or her own ability. She must find her strength. Her own will must be stronger than her desire for defeat.” A silvery misted hand caressed my shoulder. “I do not bless two separate creations with one destiny unless they have the fortitude to endure the harshest tests. I love like no other before me, but the rewards shall be reaped as no other coupling in your time.” The mist began to fade. “there will be a time, soon and you shall have to rein in the wolf and let her stand on her own feet, only then will she truly be free to love unabandoned and your gifts shall be the greatest in history.” “How can I let her suffer so?” I couldn’t fathom the torture she was enduring. “You have the courage to love a vampire. You will have the fortitude of the Gods in your next test.” The mist faded away.’ We’re in a bar and I’m buying you a drink. What’ll it be? Margarita straight up on the rocks, with salt on the rim. I am pretty basic, but I love my tequila. Later on that night we can do shots. Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized donkeys or one donkey-sized chicken? One donkey sized chicken. I play D&D so action economy is key. One hundred attacks to one is a sure fire way to lose a fight. Have you ever stolen a pen from work? I am nurse in my secret identity life, it’s part of the training to steal pens from work. We are little pen goblins. As a writer, it can be difficult to find enough time in the day to get everything done. Would you like to share your favorite ‘quick and easy’ recipe? We make chicken tacos in the crock pot on days I work late, my shifts are 12.5 hours so I never feel like cooking when I get home. 1 three pound bag of frozen boneless skinless chicken breast 1 large jar of salsa ( pick the heat level based on your taste preference) 1 or 2 packets taco seasoning based on flavor preference. Put it all in the crock pot together on low for 8 -10 hours or high 4-5 hours When the chicken shreds easily with two forks its ready. Serve with toppings of choice lettuce tomatos extra salsa sour cream and of course cheese. Can be eater with hard or soft shells. I like to make taco salads with the left overs for work. How to Stalk the Author... Where link-wise can your readers / fans stalk you? Join my reader group here for fun games, giveaways and maybe free books and events. About the Author... Chelle's lifelong love of vampires and all things supernatural sparked her imagination, allowing her to bring to life the worlds that she dreamed of. Those dreams have grown with her, expanding into dark romances and bdsm erotic stories.
Blurb... Dr. Davidson walks across the lab and turns a computer screen towards the soldiers with different views of microscopic bacteria, he begins to show the men the bacteria they had been working on. “This bacteria has fought off every antibiotic I've tried; Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Cephalexin, you name it I've used it. This bacteria travels through the bloodstream, from the initial point of entry, it makes its way to the brain. The bacteria then uses the healthy neurons in the frontal lobe for replication, destroying the brain in the process. All bodily functions cease. By stopping the heart of the infected, the subject is clinically “dead." The brain however, through ways beyond my understanding continues to function. The undead brain is able to manipulate the body but isn’t dependent on any other vital organs. This new organism is very difficult to kill. They become a member of the risen, the undead, for lack of a better word...a zombie. Victims succumb to the infection within 24 hours, in some cases the subject has turned in as little as 2 hours. Only trauma to the brain itself will completely bring down the victim.” Ask the Author... Tell me about yourself. What’s a day in your life like? I’m not a full time author (unfortunately) I work for a big company that gives me odd hours. I enjoy spending time with my loud, chaotic family. My wife and I have six children, 2 boys and 4 girls. My wife and I enjoy our morning cup of coffee together and we try to take walks together as often as we can. My family life seems pretty average, my kids enjoy running and biking outside and my Littles spend hours chasing bubbles in our front yard. What’s your perfect writing environment? I honestly need to get myself in the correct mindset to write. I have a few playlists I listen to prior to writing. It really depends on what I’m writing. I get into a good headspace, then I have a playlist with solely instrumentals so I’m not distracted by lyrics, and amazingly enough I can really get going when I have my playlists turned up. Plotting or Pantsing? I am completely amazed by “Pantsers” I’ve tried numerous times and have crashed and burned every single time. I have a system to outlining my stories. It’s very detailed, very intricate and it does take quite a bit of effort. But on that same note, my first draft is usually decent. I also believe that because of my outline I can avoid writers block. The outline I wrote for my first book “The K Strain: The Beginning” was just short of 11,000 words. Can you tease us with something about your upcoming WIP? Well my current WIP is the second book in my Zombie Apocalypse Series “The K Strain” I’m still working on the full title. But it does directly connect with the first book. You will see some characters that you’ve met before, and several other characters who you will be introduced to for the first time. The second book kicks up the action and chaos, and also has a bit of a softer side. If your book could be made into a TV show/movie, who would star in it? This is a great question, I’m a movie buff so I have given this some thought. SGT Major Dixon- Jaime Foxx Dr. Davidson- Jeremy Strong John Smith- Josh Brolin I only went with the first three main characters, my story has a large number of characters and I figured 20 separate actors would be a bit much. How many WIPs do you have in your computer right now? At this moment I have six stories that have some sort of outline. Three including my current are part of my Zombie Apocalypse Series. The last three are separate stand alone novels. Also the three stand along veer from the Zombie genre. Does this story have a playlist or a soundtrack? If yes, can you tell us a few songs that inspired you? For “The K Strain: The Beginning” I had two main playlists and I think two songs that I felt were “Go To” songs were: Way Down We Go - KALEO Darker Side - Johnny Lang These two, for me, got me into a good mindset for this book series. Is the glass half empty or half full? I’m definitely a Glass Half Full kind of guy, I think my life has had some times that weren’t so good and had I looked at it from a glass half empty mentality, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to pull myself out of it. Who would you rather be? A ninja or a pirate? I would definitely want to be a pirate, I live less than 20 minutes from the Pacific and I’ve always loved the ocean. When you were a child, what was your dream occupation? As a child I wanted to be a pilot, it’s something that is still on my bucket list. I will eventually get my pilot's license. How to Stalk the Author...
Facebook- Instagram- Twitter- Blurb... Chosen as the yearly sacrifice, Athalie’s world crumbles into a devastating reality, but she knows her death will bring prosperity to her country and family. The emperor, however, has found a weapon created by the gods. During the full moon, he plans to activate it and eradicate their adversary, unaware it will actually destroy the planet. Athalie, reborn and disguised, must hunt for talismans to neutralize the weapon’s power. Her journey will take her across the continent to countries unknown, to people she thought were her enemies, while being haunted by a magic she can’t fully control. The gods have allowed her one more shot at life, but if she dies this time, she won’t be reborn. Ask the Author... Tell me about yourself. What’s a day in your life like? I get up super early when my cat decides to eat breakfast. She's on a diet, so I can't feed her until 7am. We both stay awake from 4am onward glaring at each other. I go to work as a preschool teacher during the day. After I get home, I spend the evening with my son having quality time. Sometimes that involves a dance party or building a fort out of pillows. My husband works from home until dinner, so we have to stay super quiet. Once my son falls asleep, I squeeze in an hour or two of writing before I pass out from exhaustion. How do you pick character names? I have a baby name book in my desk drawer. I'll usually read a couple names out loud to my son, and he picks the one that stands out to him the most. We’re in a bar and I’m buying you a drink. What’ll it be? A glass of red wine. I'm not picky, so you can surprise with the brand. Make? I'm not a big alcohol conoussour, so I'm not too up to date on the language. It’s 10:00 on a Friday night. Where are you? In bed! I try to go to sleep early on Fridays. I give myself a break from writing. Typically on Friday nights, I watch cooking shows on Create. Would you like to say anything to your readers / fans? Thank you for buying my books and asking for more! Sell me a glass of water. Drink this. You must stay hydrated to live. Live! When you were a child, what was your dream occupation? To be a teacher and a writer. While it was difficult to become a teacher (college, certification exams, student teaching, getting hired), finally becoming published felt like a dream come true. When I got my agent, I sobbed and ran around the house screaming. My mom thought I was injured. How would you describe your writing job to a child? The people living in my head tell me about their lives. Actually, that sounds a little scary. What’s your writing kryptonite? Distractions. I have to stay focused in my bedroom. If anyone comes in to sit on the bed or talk to me, I lose my train of thought, and sometimes don't get it back until the next night. When that happens, I plunge into marketing instead of writing. Who would you rather be? A ninja or a pirate? Pirate. I love the ocean, and I'm not very coordinated. I don't think I'd ever be good at fighting with coordinated body movements. How to Stalk the Author...
Facebook- Twitter- Instagram - Blurb... I’m getting older. It’s a fact I don’t like to admit. In fact, I spend my days desperately trying to hide any signs of aging and clinging to my faded youth. That is until I meet Dallas Mahoney, the silver-haired fox who not only shows his age, but embraces it. And you know what? I like it. I like it a whole lot. With a big birthday coming up, I’m soon to embark on a new era in my life; the naughty forties. The question is, do I take a leaf from his book and let it all hang out? #secondchance #romanticcomedy #contemporaryromance #silverfox #FREEonKU Interrogating the Author... 1. Would you rather fight - 100 chicken-sized donkeys or one donkey-sized chicken? This one is easy. I'd take the 100 chicken-sized donkeys over the donkey-sized chicken any day. Can you imagine what the beaks and claws could do to you if a chicken was that big? Nope. I think I'll take my chances with the miniature donkeys. 2. When you were a child, what was your dream occupation? Well, I know this is where I'm meant to say I always wanted to be an author, but that's not entirely accurate. I did always love to write, but never thought it was a possibility. I did, however, want to be an actress on Broadway. I wanted to sing and dance and perform on stage for the world to see. It was either that or be a back up dancer for Madonna. 3. Do you prefer to be original or write what your readers want? I'm original. I don't know how other authors can do research and write whatever is selling at the time. That doesn't inspire me. I write whatever story pops into my head. It could be inspired by a song, or a place I've visited, a conversation with a friend. Hell, sometimes a random scene will just play out in my head, and boom! There's another WIP. Basically, I write what I want to. 4. What book made you cry? Okay, I have many that have made me cry, but there are two that made me full on ugly cry. I'm talking blotchy face sobbing. Both these books stayed with me after I finished them, and I continued crying for a while after. They wrecked me, and I loved it. Those books are "Blue" by Sarah Jayne Carr (and no, that's not just me kissing up to you), and "A Thousand Boy Kisses" by Tillie Cole. 5. We're in a bar and I'm buying you a drink. What'll it be? Jamison whiskey with ginger ale and lime. That's my jam. 6. Plotting or pantsing? Pantser all the way. I tried to plot with my very first book, but the characters hijacked the situation and took it somewhere else. It was still pretty much the story I set out to write, but executed differently. I go in with a vague idea of what might happen, or even just a first line of the book, or maybe a character. That's it. I fly blind and let the characters dictate what happens. Most of the time, I have no idea how it will end until maybe halfway through, and even then it can change. I'm pretty much the puppet and my characters pull the strings. 7. What's the funniest typo you've ever written? Okay, so this wasn't in one of my books, but it was a text to a friend when I locked myself out of my house one day. "Son of a bitch. Just licked myself out." I pressed send and then realised what I'd said after. So. Embarrassing. 8.What's your favourite scene in your latest novel? Deep Heat is my latest novel. It's a contemporary romantic comedy. My favourite scene is one between the main character, Marianne, and her best friend, Susan. They're discussing the current dry spell one is enduring and the blind date the other had the night before. Susan is one of those friends who is outspoken and opinionated, and she's constantly trying to get Marianne to live a little. In this particular scene, she's getting particularly sassy, and she starts calling herself Susancé (as in Beyonce). She wants to know all about the night before, and is horrified to find out it didn't go as she was hoping. 9. Who are your favourite authors? Karin Slaughter is my all time favourite author. She writes crime/thriller/suspense and she always keeps me on the edge of my seat. I never know what's going to happen, and I love that. I'm jealous of her mind. I'm also a huge fan of Jodi Picoult, Liane Moriarty, Lily Archer, Celia Aaron, Nicole S. Goodin, and RC Boldt. Ooh, and I've recently become a fan of Stephen King too. 10. If you could spend a day with any author, who would it be and what would you do? It pretty much all comes down to who I want to learn from. I'd love to be able to write suspense that constantly keeps people guessing like Karin Slaughter and Celia Aaron, so it would be one of them. I'd want to find out their process and where they get their ideas. I'd want to know how much research they do, and if they have clear ideas from the start or if they're more like me and go with the flow. Thanks so much for interviewing me! This has been a blast! ![]() About the Author... Who am I? Let me tell you... I reside in Ashburton, New Zealand with my husband and three children. I am a qualified proof-reader, author, wife, mother, and self-proclaimed culinary goddess. When I'm not busy writing or editing books, I enjoy reading and encouraging my children to have a love of books. My spare time is spent helping to promote other Indie authors on my book review blog, Stayc's Book Obsession. My latest venture is a book box subscription service called A Novel Idea NZ. Boxes are sent out four times a year and each one includes at least one kiwi author. I absolutely love hearing from readers, so please feel free to reach out via email, Instagram, or join my reader group, Broadbent's Bookish Babes. You can also sign up to my newsletter for up-to-date info on releases. If you feel like stalking me, here are the links! Broadbent’s Bookish Babes: Goodreads: Newsletter sign-up: Blurb... As a lover of books, Adam Giordano was accustomed to getting lost in the beauty of the written word. But never quite so literally. Cracking open the pages of one unique hardcover transports him to Colonial America on the verge of war. There, he meets a wild, Native American beauty by the name of Rose, whose life he fears is directly in the path of the brewing storm of battle. Enraptured by her, he struggles to find a way to save her from a history that may already be written. Will Adam’s attempt at rescuing her prevent Rose from becoming the historical beacon she was meant to be? Ask the Author... 1.What’s your perfect writing environment? Okay, close your eyes. It's raining outside. The sun is nowhere to be seen and the day is brisk but not cold. I am cuddled with blankets sitting in my office and the kids are gone. Probably at school. I have my trusty headphones and some fantastic music blaring in my ears. No distraction. Just me and my laptop. I'm sipping on hot chocolate and snacking on carrots. Wait, that's a weird combo. Sipping on hot chocolate and graham crackers. That's better. 2.How would you describe your writing job to a child? I get to play make-believe all day. I write about fake people, in a fake world and get paid money. They talk to me in my head. Sometimes they get mean if I don't tell their story. Don't worry it's not scary. Not unless I make them mad. Doesn't that sound fun? Do you want to be a writer? 3.What’s your writing kryptonite? The year of 2020. And so far the year of 2021. 4. Tell me about your first job. My dad owned his own shoe repair shop in California. Arlotti's Shoe Repair. Yes, they used to repair shoes back in the day instead of just buying a new pair. I worked the counter at age twelve. We had an old cash register, a real antique. You actually had to count money back to customers. It would totally ruin teens of today. They'd be so confused. In all seriousness, I loved working with my dad and my grandparents every day. It's some of the fondest memories I have. 5. What do you think of garden gnomes? I think they're sassy. They can be sort of mean at times. I do not own any at the present moment. 6. What’s your biggest fear? Besides death, I'd say wasps. It's a real condition. I get paralyzed with fear and then I go into a murderous sort of rage where I kill them. More like annihilate them. They don't really stand a chance. I have been stung once and it was the worst pain ever. 7. Where did the idea for your novel come from? I wanted a bookworm who traveled through time using his favorite item; books. I was in the shower when Adam's story originated. Wait, that sounds dirty. To be clear, it wasn't dirty. It was clean. And so was I. 8. What does your main character think about you? Would he want to hang around you as their author? He loves me. I gave him life. He would like me, and he would think I'm funny. But he's a New Yorker, so he would probably think I'm a hick from New Jersey. After he really got to know me we'd probably go out for coffee and talk books. We're both obsessed with them. 9.Have you ever stolen a pen from work? I have in fact stolen a pen. It was nice and smooth. One of those pens that glides across the paper. I'd do it again if given the chance. Shoot I'd steal the whole box. 10. As a writer, it can be difficult to find enough time in the day to get everything done. Would you like to share your favorite ‘quick and easy’ recipe? So I'm on WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) and my absolute favorite recipe to make sure I'm fed properly during the day (Very important) is this one: Yogurt Parfait Ingredients Plain fat free yogurt 32 oz Jam ⅓ cup(s), strawberry variety Orange(s) 4 medium, navel variety Banana(s) Instructions
![]() About/How to Stalk the Author... Christy Sloat has embraced the love of reading and writing since her youth and was inspired by her grandmother's loving support. She loves adventurous journeys with her friends and can be known to get lost inside a bookstore. She is an award-winning and best selling author of The Librarian, The Visitor's Series and Slumber Duology. She resides in New Jersey with her husband and two daughters. Blurb... As the product of a forbidden alliance between the elemental Mystics and the wand carrying Wielders—two distinct, often feuding, magical realms—acceptance is something fourteen-year-old Abby has fought with for the last four years. When an alliance is formed between the Mystic Dancers and the Wielder’s, Abby is given the chance to live with a Wielder’s family and attend Wielders Academy of Magical Arts. In order to do so, she first has make three promises to the Mystic Dancers leader … Tell no one she's half Mystic, that her father is a Wielder who is also a wanted criminal, or that she can transform into anything she wants. Her day-to-day life of secrets, school work, and dancing is interrupted when her mother’s murder case goes to trial. The Mystics believe they finally caught the killer, who happens to be the father of one of Abby’s new friends. Abby has a choice to make – reveal her secrets, or let a man she knows is innocent go to prison. Excerpt... "Your need for acceptance leads you into a great destiny, Abby." ![]() About the Author... I absolutely LOVE to read and I've been writing in my down time since 2006. Anything to do with fantasy, magic and mayhem are my favorite things to write. I work as a Financial Analyst and writing helps me unwind, escape reality and jump into old or new worlds. I'm currently working on another Cloverfield book and Abby's book 4. I alternate between the two, depending on whose voice is loudest on that day, lol. How to Stalk the Author...
Facebook - Amazon - Instagram - Twitter - Blurb... After retiring from the stage, ex-male stripper Matt lands an amazing opportunity to host the new show America's Next Top Stripper. Judging alongside a super model, an internationally famed stripper, and a drag queen, the panel more than has its work cut out for them when ten gorgeous, diverse, and sexy men show up at the show's mansion. Through lust, greed, and camaraderie, these ten men deliver sultry and sexy performances and one is eliminated each week. Finally arriving at the Top 5, things take a dark turn and secrets long buried surface. In the world of America's Next Top Stripper, who will win and who will survive? Author Interview... 1. Who would play the starring role(s) if your book became a movie? Matt Bomer. 2. If you had to choose one…which song would sum up your story? Applause by Lady Gaga. 3. Is the glass half empty or half full? Definitely half full, I have always been an optimist. 4. Do you have advice for aspiring writers? Write. Even if it's just one sentence. Getting started is the hardest part. And believe the stories of Stephen King and others being turned down countless times before being published. Every no is one step closer to that yes. 5. Does this story have a playlist or a soundtrack? If yes, can you tell us a few songs that inspired you? Master and Servant by Depeche Mode, Let's Dance, Sexxx Dreams, and Applause by Lady Gaga, Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen, and Careful With that Axe, Eugene by Pink Floyd. 6. What’s your favorite scene in your latest novel? The basement! Yes it is a story about strippers competing on a reality show, but like all my stories, it takes a dark turn. They all stay together in a huge mansion, but it has a basement. 7. When you were a child, what was your dream occupation? Being a writer! I wrote a short story when I was eight about a young boy who dreams about a graveyard, and at the end he sees his name on the tombstone. My teacher asked if I copied it from TV or a movie. I took that as a great compliment! 8. How many books have you written AND which is your favorite? I have written eight but choosing one as my favorite is so tough. I love the darkness of Leather Head & Where Evil Begins, a two novella series. I also adore my nods to Alfred Hitchcock: Window Watcher (Rear Window) and I'm the Last Face You'll Ever See (Psycho.) Those two are close to my heart because my Mom is my biggest fan and she got me into horror at a young age. We would watch scary movies together on Friday nights. But I also love my four novella series about a stripper because some of it is loosely based on my own experiences as a stripper, which was my occupation before becoming an author. 9. Do you prefer to be original or deliver what your readers want? While what my readers want and expect does cross my mind, I have to be original. There are some subgenres that have become extremely popular, but I could never write one just for that reason, I have to write what I feel and am passionate about. 10. Does writing energize or exhaust you? It definitely energizes me. I always feel better on the days that I write. I love it and am so grateful to love what I do. ![]() About the Author... Matt Converse of San Francisco is the bestselling author of the four book series #1 LGBT Horror bestseller Strip Shot, Behind the Velvet Curtain, Obsexsion and now America's Next Top Stripper. He also penned erotic horror shockers Leather Head and Where Evil Begins, LGBT thriller Window Watcher and horror novel I'm the Last Face You'll Ever See. He aspires to bring diversity to the publishing world. Like his idol Alfred Hitchcock, his books are sexy, smart and full of suspense but told in a style one reviewer called "a new kind of writing, like he was speaking just to me." Another said of Leather Head, "The suspense tried to kill me." and "This is the scariest book I have ever read!" A Matt Converse book is simply one you cannot put down. How to Stalk the Author...
Amazon profile: twitter: Facebook: Goodreads: Blurb... In an alternate reality, set in the 22ndCentury, the most significant historical events have culminated in a post-apocalyptic world wherein worldwide political wars have divergent outcomes. Psychic powers reside side by side with “norms”, and the gifted are known as “Bloods”, and a battle rages between madmen and monsters with the Bloods fighting to keep them under control. From the Chaos forms the FAC (Free America Civil Militia) and a heroine emerges…becoming one of the FAC elite Blood fighters. Kai and her brave companions help stand against political dissidents, while also hunting down dangerous mutant monsters all while refining their Blood abilities. During all this, Kai also heads the FAC Survival Training School, using skills adjusted from her mixed heritages of Native American and Celtic backgrounds to form a finely tuned platoon of Hunters ready to answer the call for help without hesitation. When not on hunts, or teaching, she operates as a bounty hunter on the side…continuing her late father’s work using his far-flung network of contacts and secret entrances/exits out of enemy territory. Three books in Kai’s saga area already in print on Amazon. Blood Hunt: Rolling Thunder is the first, followed by Blood Hunt: Alpha and Omega, then Blood Hunt: Howlers Dilemma. I am working on the 4th book in the series right now. Book link: Character Interview... Tell me about you. What’s a day in your life like? I am 1st Lieutenant Kele-de Ann McMahon of the FAC (Free America Civil Militia), which is a mouthful so most of the time people address me as Kai. (pronounced Kay). I am half Osage and half Irish and am of the Tzi Shu Osage clan, living in South Missouri on our rather expansive reservation. A typical day for me starts at dawn….as is the case for all the clan, at that time we do the Dawn Prayers. Then I eat a little breakfast, generally while going over the paperwork with my assistant at the survival school. Orders are given, timetables are looked over, there is also the scheduling or updates on the next classes to be given. I then check in with the FAC Headquarters to make sure there are no orders or calls for help, and I check in with the Hunters Guild…plus log in to my private account for bounty jobs which might be waiting for me. There are times, however, when visions knock me to my butt and off I go on Blood Hunts. Trust me those particular hunts are not for the faint hearted, but my platoon is always at the ready. Which song sums up your life and why? I recently heard something from my great great grandmother’s musical collection in her library….it is called Thunderstruck. It appealed to me and seems an adequate summation of my life so far. Why? I am a Millennium Blood, who is considered a Wild Blood because my abilities are not fully known or predictable…I’m also a Hunter in the Hunters Guild and am a bounty hunter on the side, plus I am an FAC soldier who heads the FAC Survival School. Considering I hunt mutant monsters and go on assignments to retrieve defectors and fulfill duties on assignments in enemy territory (which are highly classified) …. the song seems rather appropriate. Don’t you think? Do you like yourself? Why would I not like myself? That would be counterproductive to my well-being. I am, however, not vain and do know I have several faults. But in general, I am quite satisfied with myself. What motivates you? Protecting the innocent, and at one time my main motivator was hunting down the one responsible for my father’s death…revenge and evening the score plus honor had huge factors in that one. Now my motivation is, as I said, protecting the innocent and helping keep the peace. What is your most treasure possession? My great-great grandmother’s Scottish dirk, which I carry in my right moccasin at all times. It has saved my life on many occasions. Tell me about your first kiss. I do not think that would be an honorable thing to do, if the kisser were not also here to tell their side of the story as well. I did not know how to kiss before that particular person came into my life, and he had to teach me the various kisses and what they meant. My first kiss was…satisfactory. What items are in your pockets / purse? I do not carry a purse, but would a backpack count? My pockets are equipped with survival items…paracord, Firestarter (even though I can do that one all by myself) …extra knife, homemade jerky, fishing supplies, small first aid kit, multi tool, pocket handgun etc. And some secret items, which would probably send my commanding officer into a fit if he knew about them. Do you like your author? Yes, I do. After all she is my great great grandmother, and while she has a most irritating habit of not listening to me all the time, she is an intelligent person with a lot on her plate. So, I cut her some slack whenever possible. How do you measure success? When the job is thoroughly dealt with, and the balance is restored. Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Also, what’s it filled with? It is full. I am an avid coffee drinker, so woe to the fool who sips from my cup. For the Author... Would you like to say anything to your readers / fans? Without all of you to read, and follow, Kai’s adventures the telling of her life would not be as complete, and rewarding, as it is. I never know what direction Kai is going to go off on, so y’all are as surprised as I am. I promise there are many MANY more adventures to come. I actually have a special file in my computer filled with story ideas, some of which she tells me about ahead of time. But those plot twists she suddenly throws in can, at times, make me pause and stare at the paper in surprise. (Yes…I write it all out on my trusty yellow writing pad first….and second yes…there is always an outline plotted but Kai tends to toss surprises at me.) Where can your readers stalk you? They can find me on Amazon: Someday I will, hopefully, be wide read enough that they can stalk me in bookstores and a personalized website (as soon as I can figure out how to do that). I am also on Facebook under Vendla Bramble. As a writer, it can be difficult to find enough time in the day to get everything done. Would you like to share your favorite ‘quick and easy’ recipe? I tend to get most of my writing done in the afternoon, once homeschooling is finished for the day for my 8-year-old cousin. I’ll grab a cup of coffee, sit with my feet up for half an hour and review what is on my personal agenda. Since I have returned to college to work on my 2ndMasters degree the studying for that is also plotted out. I live with one of my cousins, who is grandmother to the 8-year-old (trust me the family lineage is complicated), and she used to tease me about all the lists I made. But she finally caught on and was sweet enough to buy me a Rocketbook, so I could plot my tasks out. Trust me if you don’t have one…GET ONE! They are a lifesaver! Anything else? Read my books! Please! LOL. Spread the word! I like to think my mother, who used to encourage me to always write, and taught me how to plot the ideas using an outline, would be thrilled beyond measure that I am publishing. She told me to believe in myself…and after all these years…I am! As for Kai….I like to think there’s a little of her in me. I know I can be mighty feisty and stubborn about things….and really…I think she’s in every woman who just wants to break out and show the world how tough she can be. Maybe my great great granddaughter will be an inspiration for some woman who needs that bit of help in making herself heard or breaking free to be whomever she wants to be. ![]() About the Author... Vendla Bramble currently lives in a concrete jungle somewhere in the wilds of Ohio, while, amazingly, not losing her farm girl roots. She is an avid writer, equally avid reader, and a college student at SNHU, where she recently received her Master’s degree in Criminal Justice, and is now working on another Master’s Degree in Psychology with a concentration in Forensic Psychology. When asked why, Vendla merely smiled mysteriously and pointed at the heroine of her books. Blurb: Since the moment he picked up his first guitar, Dez Conway dreamed of being a Rockstar. A multi-talented musician with the ability to play the electric violin, electric cello and even the bass, he’d be an asset to any group of musicians, if only the bands who’d hired him over the years had truly thought that way. Instead, he’s singing for the dishes in an upscale restaurant, bitter, pissed off and unwilling to entertain the offer to replace the front man of the world-famous Deviant Angels. After all, why the hell would they be any different than the guys who’d kicked him to the curb in the past? Only…they’re not the Deviant Angels. Their longtime front man took the name with him when he left, along with their hopes of getting back on the road again and playing the music they love. Of course, a talented musician like Dez could change all that for them, if they can convince him that this time, his dreams of rock stardom, and love, can actually come true. A talented musician tossed to the wayside, a struggling band, striving for one more shot. A once in a lifetime opportunity at making heavy metal dreams, and love, come true. Ask the Character: If your best friend had to describe you in five words, what would they be? Loyal, Honest, Talented, Reckless, Broody Which song sums up your life and why? Turn the Page. I grew up on the Bob Seger version, but the Metallica one hits me a little harder, maybe because it’s closer to the music I pay. I feel like it epitomizes the experiences I’ve had over the past fifteen years. So many days and nights melting together, broken up only by those truly exceptional moments when I got to perform on the big stages with musicians who aspired to be as much, if not more, than I did. Not to say there is anything wrong with the coffee houses and dive bars, because the right handful of people can make you feel like you’re performing in front of thousands. But there is something about the lights, the pyro, the lighters waiving in the air, stage diving, feeling the energy you put out magnified back at you in waves that just…that’s a high that lasts for days. I don’t know if it’s the narcissist in me or the coward seeking validation that drives me to get up there, I just know that my life isn’t the same when I’m not playing. How do you deal with stress? Music, weed, staring at the sky until everything else fades away. The road, getting on my Honda Shadow and riding until I can’t feel anything, or at least what was stressing me out. Deflection, working out, ice cream, lots of ice cream which ends up necessitating the working out. If it’s a person stressing me out, I’ve been known to put their picture on a dart board and whip darts at it until I was no longer stressed or pissed. Maybe not the best coping mechanisms but they work. What motivates you? The music. Full stop. It was my first love and I’ve never stopped trying to get better. One of the reasons I play several instruments is because learning a new one forced me to pay more attention to the ones I already played, notice subtle nuances that I never did before, and tweek my style so it’s ever evolving. I’ve never wanted to be one note or grow stale. I figure the moment that happens, the moment it’s time to give up because it’ll mean I’ve lost my passion for it. I plan to be like my idols, playing well into my sixties, maybe not shirtless, but I’ll be up there just the same. If you could be in any book, other than your own, what would it be and why? Desolation Angel. I had the opportunity to play with those guys in Philadelphia and New York. They have an amazing sound and Dare is phenomenal, the guy can seriously shred and he’s got a way with the fans that’s almost hypnotic. Being in their book would mean getting to play with them more. My only hope is that somewhere along the line, they’re on the same booking as we are. Are you spontaneous or a planner? Spontaneous, sometimes to my detriment. I’d actually have to say I’m more impulsive than spontaneous, really. I get something in my head and I forget to think, then I’m left with a mess or cutting my loses. Kind of lost touch with some of the people I cared about that way. What are you passionate about? Again, the music. Playing, writing, performing, I love the creative process of turning words into lyrics and lyrics into songs and then sharing them with the world. It’s a process of evolution, and when those notes start to come together, and the whole band is working in harmony to get it down, its magic. Sometimes I feel like the only way I can relate to people is through the music, so yeah, I’m passionate about it. Biggest regret? Losing touch with friends. Running away. Not saying things when the moment called for it. Not taking chances on love and relationships. Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Also, what’s it filled with? Half-full, with rum punch and plenty of space to add more. It’s 10:00 on a Friday night. Where are you? On stage with my guitars in my hands, dripping in sweat and rocking out with the audience. For the author: Where can your readers stalk you? Layla Dorine can be found at: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Tumblr: Author Website: Author on Goodreads: ![]() Bio: LAYLA DORINE lives among the sprawling prairies of Midwestern America, in a house with more cats than people. She loves hiking, fishing, swimming, martial arts, camping out, photography, cooking, and dabbling with several artistic mediums. In addition, she loves to travel and visit museums, historic, and haunted places. Layla got hooked on writing as a child and she hasn’t stopped writing since. Hard times, troubled times, the lives of her characters are never easy, but then what life is? The story is in the struggle, the journey, the triumphs and the falls. She writes about artists, musicians, loners, drifters, dreamers, hippies, bikers, truckers, hunters and all the other folks that she’s met and fallen in love with over the years. Sometimes she writes urban romance and sometimes its aliens crash landing near a roadside bar. When she isn’t writing, or wandering somewhere outdoors, she can often be found curled up with a good book and a kitty on her lap. Tattered Angel Amazon US: Amazon UK: Amazon CA: Blurb:Jade Nash is a giver. She gives up on hope. She gives up on love. She gives up on the truth. What Jade doesn't anticipate is giving in to uprooting the past, especially when she vowed to never let it affect her future. Seth McCullough is a breaker. He breaks promises. He breaks records. He breaks hearts. What Seth doesn't anticipate is breaking the cycle, especially when he vowed not to, because that would mean breaking the rules. What a Tease...A hand firmly gripped my upper arm. “I’ve been looking for you,” a male said sternly over my shoulder. “Sit. We need to talk.” My eyes flicked down at the vacant seat, but I didn’t submit to Miles’s request as I yanked my arm away. “I think you spoke enough for both of us at the pool.” “Fine. Stand. I don’t care.” He paused. “Do you know what your problem is, Nash?” I sat down with a look of defiance to let him know he didn’t control the situation. “Aside from the arrogant dick who just ruined my night, I don’t have a problem.” “You’re destructive.” Miles’s eyebrows pulled down and together while he straddled the chair across from me, his eye contact refusing to break away from mine. A ball of laughter burst from my mouth before I could stop it. “Me? I’m the town massage therapist for fuck’s sake. I fix people.” Miles pulled a familiar, wrinkled cocktail napkin from his pocket and tried to flop it flat aggressively with a few flicks of his wrist. He gave up and pinned it down with his near-full coffee cup. Dark liquid sloshed up over the side. “Not big enough, anyway,” he muttered. “For what? Your ego?” I rolled my eyes, doing my best to tune out Jewel’s FoolishGames wailing on the jukebox. Miles’s gaze locked with mine again, frustration teeming behind near-black irises. Without looking down at the table, he reached for a checkered paper placemat and held it at eye level. “See this? It’s me before I met you. Pristine. Zero issues.” I did my best to ignore the pained tension creeping through my shoulder. “And this,” he crumpled the placemat tightly into a ball, the loud crinkling sound drawing attention from surrounding customers, “is me after I walked through the doors of your office. But no matter how much,” he flattened the paper on the tabletop with a forceful palm, “I try to fix it by ignoring you, it’s not the same.” The placemat had deep creases and wrinkles when he held it up, the top corner flopping forward. “In some jacked up way, you keep ruining me.” My face heated and I hated that Miles McCullough got under my skin. “That’s where you’re wrong.” I snatched another mat from a nearby place setting. “This? It’s still you. Two-dimensional. Disposable. But there’s a difference.” I carefully ripped the paper, leaving a one-inch piece connecting the two halves together. “Try and deny it to make yourself feel better, but you were already ruined and hanging on by a thread when we met.” Ask the Author...
About Me:*waves* My name's Sarah Jayne Carr. I'm an author of contemporary romance that'll make you cry and urban fantasy filled with lies. This page is devoted to sprinkling author love around like glitter. Sparkle on, writers. xoxo Archives
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